Beeyay Guarantee

Buyer Guarantee

Every purchase comes with a guarantee from Beeyay.

You will receive the tickets you purchased in time for the event. In the rare instance that the seller is not able to provide the exact tickets as sold, you are guaranteed to receive equivalent or better replacement tickets, or a full refund including all fees.

Beeyay guarantee that your tickets will be valid for entry to the event. Certain events have event-wide restrictions in place, and these will be displayed on the Event Page. Ticket-specific restrictions will be displayed on each individual Listing.

Seller Guarantee

Provided the buyer receives the exact tickets listed for sale and successfully gains entry to the event, Beeyay guarantees that you will be paid for your Sale.

In the event that paper tickets are lost in the post then provided they were sent via the authorised courier, and before your shipping deadline, Beeyay guarantees that you will be paid for your Sale.